19 dec. 2007

Diablo 2. And stuff.

Hahaha, I just downloaded Britney's Gimme More, to my "España 2007" playlist (basically anything I listened to a lot or was forced to listen to a lot in Spain by flatmates/DJ's/teachers): right now I only have "El muelle de San Blas", a song from Jarabe de Palo and now Britney. Ah well. SB! Please do send me "Te quiero puta"?

Anyway, yesterday I started cleaning my room. Yaay. But right now it looks even worse than before. Maybe because I started to unpack and threw everything on the floor instead... And I have already changed my desktop. I think my ordenador got slightly pissed off (yes, they can get pissed off; they are evil), 'cause it started to act slow and strange. Oh well.

I also played Diablo 2 with my sister. It was fun. I haven't played Diablo for ages.

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